воскресенье, 25 октября 2009 г.

Travel to Egypt (Hotel Sindbad Aquapark)

I vacationed in Egypt in the glorious city of Hurghada in the hotel 24.11.2006-04.12.2006 Sind-bad Aquapark 4 *. I am from Siberia (Tyumen). Ticket bought in the company's "Gala", which it acquired from More Travel. And in Egypt have served the Inter Gulf Travel. From the rest remain-lis only great feeling.

I rode the first time abroad, so I decided to prepare in advance rummaged through the entire Internet, learned all about what can and can not be about Egypt, about the rest of it, about the dangers and opportunities. I will say at once, by their own impressions, 90% of the dangers are myths. But if you need an extreme, what the mind to seek and to go so far as there are a number of Ural go-ry - climbing, rafting, hiking with tents, etc. etc. If you are behind this went to Egypt - you went the wrong way, here is ideally lie on the beach, bask in the sun, swim in the sea. Here are those who are confused these 2 types of recreation and write terrible IP-sons about the adventures in Egypt. Because the one who is looking for adventure, he finds them. The terrible stories that happened to people on tours, in my opinion it is difficult to implement, and perfected the route, travel guides and watched, and I think that their only goal should be to find a place and consistently implemented.

Give a simple example, suppose you in the Arabian desert accidentally UCF-force cobra. I say, why not go out of the city in the desert, 30 kilometers to wander Red Mountains, to look at them shady crevice and pull the tail of the poor animal. Those who are looking for adventure - he finds them.

Well, this is so lyrical. We return to the top.

There were problems, but strangely enough it was in Russia, but not in Egypt. Departure aircraft in Hurghada was from Yekaterinburg. Getting to the hotel before I Eburga train. But to get there from the railway station to the airport Koltsovo 3 in the morning with our taxi-hundred - is a big problem (financial). Another bus goes there, but it is walking-etsya if there is at least 5 people, but with 3 to 4 hours of the night was ... the people - no one. As a result, went on the same shuttle bus, but paying more for these four, which was not - but the result is cheaper than a taxi. And in the train from Yekaterinburg to Tyumen-burg still Nakhamu. But what happened, happened. Heart in the future lives are sad, everything instantly, everything goes, that will take place, it would be nice.

And then at the airport - a scheme as I understand - dull and well developed. Mold is very difficult to beat, all in line. Luggage, passport control, boarding a plane - big problems and strengths of obstacles did not cause - it was necessary to carry out very stupidly simple instructions that you gave and everything was on full automatic. With these instructions deal-mi and a trained chimpanzee. Strained only large in the number Ìåòàëîäåòåêòîðû.

By the way, one more time. People began to celebrate the departure in Egypt at the airport bought wine with glasses in the shop Dutty Free. And to the aircraft were ready for the full program. In the plane, they continued to celebrate - completely ignoring the stewardess. It became clear Russian ride.

At the end arrived at the hotel. Hotel Sindbad Aquapark is located on the second line of the sea. In fact the sea there for 10 minutes to crawl or 5 minutes on foot, who as more NRA an initial capital. Near the hotel is located Sindbad Beach. Since Hotels in the same host, the poet-mu can use bars and restaurants of both hotels. You just need to show the wave Şebnem green bracelet on his arm the system "all inclusive" and include the room number and all the doors will open. Incidentally, this bracelet has a mesmerizing effect on the entire hotel staff.

Incidentally, the service - I had I was on vacation in hotels Siberia and the Urals. The difference in service day and night. While in Russia, have repeatedly SOCA-priorities would need to remove the room, knocking here and are interested, when I conveniently to be removed. The entire staff speaks Russian, or rather at the level of 10 phrases to know everything. Explained by what you have to be - sooner or later anyway. But he knows very well de-vushki on retsepshine, guides, tour guides.

But for all you have to pay. In Egypt, the mandatory tip, use just one pound - porters, cleaners in the room, I even gave police a tip, but that showed where the currency exchange at the airport. And who does not tip, will be small revenge.

Staff at the hotel is kind and friendly. But as they say, all the apples once or lie in wait in any garden. The taste of apples depends on you. How do you with them, and they with you. If in Egypt - all that you want to do for you for your own money, in Russia you for your own money - and they send you the same. Want fast and well, will be expensive. You want good and cheap, will be a long time. Want to quickly and cheaply, it will be bad. The simple truth, but pre-red work.

The hotel has enjoyed virtually all the staff, food, swimming pools, animation, etc. Again, compare to past experience with Russian hotels.

I recommend to learn 10 phrases in Arabic from the series (Al-Salam - Alaykum Died-vuyte, Salam - hello, Shu (O) crane - thanks,

shu (O) crane gazIlyan - Thank you very much, etc.) ratio changes dramatically once pre-rotates in the beloved and dear guest.

Voobshchem, make yourself at home, but do not forget that you are visiting.

The hotel at settling met 2 girls from the Urals - with Marina (Nizhny Tagil) and Olesen (Ekaterinburg). One girl just pleasant, but another pleasant in all respects. However, and spent the holiday in Egypt, later joined us pas renek Zhenya from Siberia (Surgut).

I can say right away about the real dangers in Egypt:

1. They steal from the room-cleaners - so you dug safe at retsepschine (absolutely free) and put it there - a passport, return tickets, money, etc.

2. Minibar - prices (in fizzy drinks, chocolate, chips and other garbage) as in the best restaurants - I do not use them.

3. Telephone in the room - very expensive - so bought a phone card in a supermarket and the phone rang with an automaton

4. Sanitation - marvelous tropical infections a lot - so wash your hands ne-ed food, drink only bottled water (clean her teeth, too), do not drink water from a dye-on, etc.

All other hazards, in my opinion, are imaginary. As they say, smart-Xia teaches from their mistakes, but wise to strangers. Who warned is forearmed.

When arriving at once bought a trip to the city of Luxor.

In Tyumen, I sincerely regretted that I will not visit the pyramids. Excursion is a finite, but 5 hours before them, half an hour for a tour, 5 hours back - not worth powder and. And I do not know about the pharaohs. But the trip to Luxor is compensated with a vengeance. Egyptian history, I learned from the most do not want. Although the entire struggle for power pharaohs and their families can not tell, but the milestones now I know.

In Luxor, rode into the valley of kings. His kings (Pharaohs) - but they are buried pyramids still in the mountains, made their tombs and their painted murals. In the Valley of the Kings are still being excavated and still find the hidden tomb. As in the reign of Pharaoh taken away - he began to dig his own grave dug in the rock :-) long time - before his death, rather he was not himself, and the workers. I thought that the complexity of these excavations - to drive a couple ekskava-tori and the trick, but I looked, what they were digging. Indeed, this can not dig one year. In this tomb (tomb) and buried him and the longer the longer the rules of the pharaoh's tomb was obtained. But as the tomb lozhili still zolotishko - for him for the last 3 thousand years, frequented by a lot of thieves. Therefore, in these tombs were made trap, sit down snakes and scorpions, etc. etc. Generally, the beginning of the 20 th century did not just rip-left only one tomb - the Pharaoh Tutankhamun. The one and found the gallant archaeologists and passed all of the Cairo Museum.

On the road to the valley of the kings looked at the Nile. To be honest, I do not like the Nile - a dirty, murky, green water - than it resembles the river Tura with the results of worsted - cloth factory. Personally, for me the river Tobol made more impressive-ing. But another river in Egypt do not - and all the water out of it. Hotels in Hurghada in the water is being taken from the Nile, though clean. People, if you want to survive - do not drink this water, I do not trust this clean.

Guide us was a sense of humor. Told the story every year in Egypt chose the most beautiful girl and thrown into the water to the Nile overflowed and the fields were carpophore-WIDE. He said he must choose the most beautiful girl from the bus and then dumped into the Nile, until we look at him. We watched the Nile, and he asks, what have chosen girl. We are responsible and have chosen and have already dropped. :-) Well then guide says Neil overflow-Xia :-)

Then visited the Karnak temple. Church of the huge 30 hectares. Was generally 160 and each of the pharaohs, this temple at least the hall, but the finish building. Magnificent spectacle. POS-tili temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Colossi Mnemona. Feelings excellent. I deliberately do not tell that there are some statues, murals, columns - it must see itself - it's like that would be dumb to tell the blind about the color red. Photos are a lot, but to convey the feeling about the structure of the church leaving the horizon and columns with a 5-storey house, which a few thousand years, to feel a part, accustomed to the great lost civilization, I can not. It should be there and it chuvst reflect that. The photos and story - it will just warm up for the mind and the pain is nothing higher. Books on the history of ancient Egypt a lot - who should go for it.

By the way, I believe that from ancient Egypt to the present there are only one sim-Volikov. And more - nothing. Manifestation of death in life. Third-country with poor people. In the ancient gods, no one else believes, faith - Islam. Arab Muslim-lic country. Struck by the fact that women were traveling in Luxor peacefully baked scones - on pavers, those. On the road can be seen as drawn by a donkey, so old and crumpled cars and luxury buses with tourists. Egyptians built luxurious palaces (hotels) for Turi-ists, while they themselves live next door to the shed (in clay huts). But this is my purely subjective opinion.

By the way, the guide on the bus show - so you see these mud huts - think they live in poor people - you are wrong - they live very rich people because they have air conditioning. :-)

And guide warned those who disturb the tomb of Pharaoh awaits a terrible ancient non-Egyptian curse. And his words have come true Olesya on the day after Excursions these jumped sty. But fighting with the old ancient Russian way - antibiotics ;-) Вообщем, it fell. And I found out after a trip intestinal infection was treated by the same ancient Russian tool. Also fell ;-) In short, what does not kill you makes you stronger.

In general, the people who visit Egypt strongly recommend that you go to this very Excursions in Luxor.

After the Luxor on the next day sunbathing on the beach. The girls decided to get a good tan. And it was ultimately succeeded. The people, the sun in Egypt is not a pretty good sun, like Russia - the African sun - a source of radiation is time-zheniya, burn everything. Bring sunscreen. I'm just in VRE-name marine excursions they are not anointed, I thought only 1 hour - nothing will happen, but managed to burn his shoulders.

Just get used to the good life, as she immediately gets better. On the following day went on an excursion to the island paradise. This is indeed a paradise for those standards of Hollywood and glossy magazines - the sea, sun, sand, lounge - that's all you need to paradise ;-) By the way visitors with mask and snorkel on the coral - first ponra-vilos scary, but I have not yet know what awaits me at the diving, compared with corals, which I saw on the diving - it labuden full, but people like Вообщем, welcome to paradise. ;-) (As understood by Hollywood.) Remains a trifle - to relax - to dissolve in the sand, to become in the minds of the sea, letting the sun through it - and all. I did it. Happiness - is the ability to dissolve the world in itself ... Welcome - the ability to dissolve in the world ... Wisdom - the ability to disengage from the world .... So, there is a paradise. ;-)

Another was a tour - safari Oasis.

We went to the local rural population - to the Bedouins - they look like hell of living. In fact, everything turned out quite differently than in reality. Being-tion they are very, very bad - from bad to worse. While in Russia will go 100 kilometers from the Lu-divine city and see how rotten residence permit in the villages - the feeling exactly the same. They live now at the expense of tourists - gifts, jewelry, cook them tea, show folk dances. But as they say a man being well adapted - survive almost anywhere.

By Bedouins traveled to the Arabian desert. "Here the birds are singing, the trees do not grow, and we alone face to face grows in the ground here." Around the sand and stone. 's All. The feeling that came on Mars or the moon. But unlike the moon the sky is not black and blue. Stone and sand - nothing else around there. While there - the heat around. But there is an abyss without a bottom, although high, but there is a mountain summit ... Red Mountain Arabian empty-no.

On safari liked - a mirage. We were told about the air lens, as it is formed and it reflects the image, in this case, the Red Sea. But again it must be seen - water that is, it is not - and it's not taller zabereshsya, prisyadesh on cor-points it is.

From dances, which were shown - more or less like a belly dance. But it showed that the Bedouin themselves - for girls from grade 5 Lenochka come, but for four decades of men - well, you can even slightly to work on the choreography.

Racing ATV also did not like - the first time I sat behind the wheel with me for an Arab rode - at first he was saying something, then yelled and grabbed the wheel and took The Office itself - so what, what went on and gathered sinusoid all the stones that were on the road, so what, that just does not cut into the rock - well, do not cut as well, I suspect that in addition to the gas button, there are more buttons, such as brake - but brakes invented pants. In short, ATV led an Arab, and gave me only the open field and a straight ;-)

Bedouin entered the terrarium. Cobras, vipers and other lovely desert zve-Rusko. There are certainly chameleons, tortoises - but the feeling is not something to tease the cobra through the glass is much more interesting ;-)

At the end of the tour have already looked through the telescope at night. Magnificent spectacle. Lu-na, stars, nebulae, galaxies. Watch for them in books, on the computer - is one thing, but most see - the constellation of Orion, the Andromeda galaxy, to see the craters on the Moon - it is quite different.

Then I personally decided to swim with scuba diving (diving). To have something that you never had, to do what you never did. The girls decided to soak up the sun, co-shorter than the end of the holidays quite lazy and just sunbathed alternating tan by the sea with a tan in the water park.

First, we have collected from various hotels and taken to the diving club, where they provided the signatory Camb large and long paper - what can we do (just watch), and that no mo-us show what we do not cheer, etc. If very short then, the meaning of securities in the following - "In the mo-her death I ask no one to blame. :-)

Then picked fins, mask and taken to the boat. On the boat was a small induction, first in printed form, then in the Latvian language (since we were going to dive Letts), then finally in Russian. Again, the rules - simple, logical and on-nyatnye - I will not retell. (Without theory, practice is blind. Without the practice, the theory of Meurthe-va.) They should be easy to make and under water. By the way, receiving a blow ears, when the pressure - I in handy when I flew back on the plane - so that the air and underwater oceans somewhat similar.

Finally dressed termokostyum given, scuba gear and began to dive with an instructor. I thought I swim myself - Figure you, the instructor put his arm in a death grip, and not from-let for a second. And every minute was interested in, everything was in order. Voobshchem, do with me, do as I do, do better than me. It was 2 dives - the first time at 5 meters, the second at 10 meters. The feelings words can not convey - you're inside a small inside og Romni aquarium, and surrounding beauty. Multicolored corals, fish, and you like in a magical maritime forest fairy. Say corals - the most beautiful sight on Earth - I agree with these words.

Again banal safety rules - can not touch the coral py-kami - is a chemical burn. If you want to know what it is not far to seek - out - find nettles - touch her hands - chemical burn is ready - and coral about a hundred the same, but several times stronger.

And extreme sports require at least minimal, but for physical training. It's on TV divers easily and casually waving their fins. I do not, a lot of them waved - and felt squeezed like a lemon. Voobshchem, physical training is welcomed and needed.

In his spare time tours - the girls and I indulged ... - tan. That's how many have the strength to spread butter cream, lie on the mattress and lie from breakfast to dinner and from dinner until sunset. Uniting the forces of mind and body ;-) Unity of body, senses and mind in one burst. But breaks of course you can plunge into the sea or the pool in the water park, but then the clock depicting sea lions at the rookery. In short, life forces man-age to many of voluntary action and in the end I was tired of it, and I represented a kitten in the room, watching news on TV. Incidentally, the TV was 2 Russian Ka-Nala - First and Russia.

In December in Egypt, winter 25 degrees - red chilly sea, but you can swim, though not very long. The poor Arabs are cold, wear jackets and sweaters - the powerful Russian sunbathe. But in the summer they have 60. How do they survive? Хотя я уехал из Тюмени было -30. I told him about this one temperature to an Arab - he replied that at -30 it would have been there for only one day, second day of it there would not exist.

Set in Egypt comes quickly - as if someone flicked a switch and there is no sun. It was hot, and once it gets cold. After dinner the girls were going to indulge in vices - smoking hookahs, playing cards, hit the disco, well, I along with them. ;-) Well, except disco - a dream for some reason, hard won and the mood to dance to exhaustion was not. But powerful Ural girl, who stopped his horse at full gallop, in the burning house will - lit up to 3-4 in the morning.

World of spirits near, the door was not locked.

But you yourself are blind, and everything in you is dead.

Wash in the morning dawn as in the sea,

Wake up this one world, sign in

Voobshchem, woke up, washed, had breakfast and sunbathe again ;-)

But somehow decided to look KVN on TV. 45 years of KVN. The girls, as Toll-to got to the sofa so immediately and fell fast asleep in an embrace with a pillow. Dose-annealing. :-)

At the very end of the trip - decided to do shopping to stock up some souvenirs. Asked the Arabs, where you can buy them cheaper. He called the market. Looked at both de-Witz, and said that they did not go alone, only with a man, that me. Let's go. Hurghada is divided into 2 districts - New City (for tourists) and the old town (for the local popula-tion). We arrived in this market - the feeling that they were in the area of the Negro ghetto or on the street from the film "Diamond Hand" - the narrow winding streets and clay houses. By the way, I got it - why Arab warned that should not appear among the girls in this part of town - raped. In Egypt, women are naked, only the person, they sunbathe and swim in clothes, Bedouins - women are only open his eyes. So as our girls were dressed or undressed, do not know what exact - lustful thoughts from local men have been accurately provided.

And the wrangling in the East, this is a topic for another conversation - in short, bargain, bargain and bargain again. But I did not work at 5 stores wanted to buy a cup of ezu-petskimi characters, but did not bargain too expensive. We wandered on the market about an hour and piled up to the hotel. And there next to a supermarket with a fixed price-mi. Dream came true idiot - I bought this cup for 10 pounds, not 50 as I suggested in the stalls.

By the way, was struck by another fact that the rules of the road there - who louder signals-lit, shouting and flashing is right. But people go, with those at good speed. Eastern-tion phenomenon.

Another dobila Eastern music - it is on an amateur, I'm not a fan of it - and the end of my trip I had satanel from the word "Habibi". Since my childhood I did not like the oval, I have grown up corner ri-poking ... General, do not awaken in me the beast of the music.

But life is not only a vivid dream, where all the dancing and singing. It's time to say goodbye. Back to the plane, people are celebrating the departure of the shop, too Dutty Free. Same person, Toll-to back they already skorifanilis. I noted much more fun than forward.

Voobshchem, emotions and impressions of a lot went to the eastern tale. Wonders of the fact and miracles to happen only rarely, but they do happen. General, do not dream about it, its a life and live as you dream at least once a year :-)

P.S. All that I have said above - this is my purely subjective opinion. And it is not mo-Jette considered objectively and impartially. Life is beautiful, conditional reflexes, but the truth is relative.

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